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Friday 19 October 2012

Next Mass Effect title will not feature commander shepard.......

So,all of  mass effect fans get ready for a news.Guys if you are
a commander fan you might want to brace yourself as come mass
effect 4 (or whatever the next mass effect title will be)will not be
featuring commander shepard the game will feature a new hero 
as opposed to the one that gamers have grown accustomed
to.This was revealed by bioware montreal when they spoke
to the folks .According to to the studios's producer "Fabrice 
condominas" "there is one thing we are absolutely sure of  there
will be no shepard ,and the triology is over" 
"so, first we do not want to make shepard 2 or mass effect 4 
with like ,oh there will be no shepard but you are a soldier in
universe so this will be a very very different context for sure
and nothing has been decided on the rest " so, friends what do 
you say will you like a new hero being introduced?

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