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Monday 15 October 2012

windows 8 launch accompanied by first official t.v commercial

so,friends get ready because another window's gonna open on 
your desktop .On october 26 microsoft will launch its most 
exciting pc operating system in the last 25 years "Windos 8"
backed by a $1.5 billion and $1.8 billion marketing blitz ,the
company is leaving no room ,no space for failure .Windows
 8 is not a  tweaked version of windows 7 .Its a complete      
 re-thinking what windows should be with a new live tiles user
 interface inspired by windows theme .windows 8 represents
 microsoft pressing the reset button in a world increasingly
filled with touch screen based devices and mobiles .the
 advertisement will be very informative and it talks 
directly to the consumer  which is exactly the crowd
 microsoft wants to capture or generate for windows 8.

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