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Friday 12 October 2012

Personal weather station for your iphone and ipad:Netatmo

So,friends now you can have a mini weather station of your own at
your house that allows you to monitor and track the outside temperature ,
humidity,air quality and atmospheric pressure right from your iphone
and ipad.now imagine being able to track the inside temperature,humidity,
CO2 levels and indoor air quality .with two sleek aluminium sensor bodies
one for inside and one for outside -measuring the data ,and an iphone app
to view the data and share it get real time air quality and alerts and cloud 
data storage backing it all up the the system can help you decide best and
worst times to go out and stay in ,water the plants or not and much 
more the app also features a 7-day weather forecast and for those who
live in areas with plenty of noise pollution,the sensors can measure and 
track the sound level from 35 db to 120 db its price is $180 so get one
for yourself.

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